
Various locations

Founded in 1879, Chevron has grown to be one of the largest corporations in the petroleum industry – supporting retail outlets on six continents.

Fiedler Group was retained by the oil powerhouse first in 1983 to assist their marketing network with design, engineering, permitting and construction support.

The relationship has since grown across a history of over 500 respective projects – including the first co-branding of McDonald’s and Chevron in 1996.

We provided site survey’s, entitlement, design, permitting services for a wide range of Chevron program scopes throughout California – managing all areas of project implementation, and insuring the program’s ultimate success.

Typical projects included:

  • ADA / Reimaging surveys,
  • Extra Mile conversions,
  • new facility design,
  • raze and rebuild of existing facilities,
  • fuel compliance,
  • building additions, and
  • signage upgrades.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your project!