BP West Coast Products

Various locations

Since its founding in 1909, BP has grown to be one of the world’s largest energy companies — whether providing fuel for vehicles, energy for heat and light, retail services, or petrochemical products.

Fiedler Group’s relationship with BP began in 1996, and since then, we’ve worked to:

  • Provide Master Architectural services, including development and maintenance of corporate design standards
  • Design, entitle, and permit new / rebuild facilities for 15 years,
  • design and permit 700 sites in support of the Thirst Oasis program,
  • upgrade 372 sites with ADA improvements,
  • ensure environmental compliance on 757 Phase I & Phase II EVR projects, 40 tank replacements, and 110 SB 989 fueling system upgrades, and
  • supply design and permitting services for over 151 ampm tenant improvement projects.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your project!