FirstElement Fuel Launches Hydrogen Fuel Network in California

May 3rd, 2016 by Fiedler Group

Fifteen FirstElement Fuel hydrogen fueling stations located throughout California have created the world’s largest hydrogen fuel network.

The fuel stations, located in South San Francisco, Santa Barbara, La Canada-Flintridge among other locales, will help support both hydrogen fuel cell car drivers and manufacturers.

Using the “True Zero” brand for its hydrogen fueling stations, the hydrogen fuel network will “help eliminate the major roadblock facing these types of cars, anxiety over finding a reliable place to charge.”

The True Zero name symbolizes the goal zero vehicle fuel pollution, zero use of fossil fuels, and zero greenhouse gases — in both production and use.


Fittingly announced on Earth Day, FirstElement Fuel CEO, Joel Ewanick, commented that previously, “the lack of a fueling network kept fuel-cell vehicles off the road.”

The fifteen hydrogen fuel stations — with an additional four stations expected by year end — are being funded by grants from the California Energy Commission, the South Coast Air Quality Management District and Bay Area AQMD.

With a short four-minute charge time, the True Zero hydrogen fuel stations help give confidence to hydrogen retail consumers and supporting businesses.

Once the 19-fuel station network is live and running, FirstElement Fuel expects the stations will be able to displace an estimated 2.5 million gallons of gasoline each year — effectively reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 34 million pounds — the equivalent of planting a forest rivaling the size of San Francisco.

To learn more about Fiedler Group’s expertise in the alternative fuel industry, please contact us today.