Fiedler Group’s Hydrogen Work Featured in IEA’s Energy Technology Initiatives 2013 Report

January 21st, 2014 by Fiedler Group

The International Energy Agency (IEA) was established in 1974 and carries out a comprehensive program of energy cooperation among its member countries.

It is tasked to 1) promote energy security through collective member response to physical disruptions in oil supply and 2) provide authoritative research and analysis to ensure reliable, affordable, and clean energy.

Reforming Hydrogen Supply International Energy Agency Fiedler Grou

Between 2010 and 2012, more than 300 energy topics were analyzed, resulting in the publishing of 86 collaborative studies.

IEA’s Energy Technology Initiatives 2013 report highlighted the most significant achievements of the IEA Implementing Agreements — which are a fundamental building block for facilitating the entry of new and improved energy technologies into the marketplace.

In the 2013 report, Fiedler Group is featured on page 58, concerning the use of hydrogen as a fuel source for transportation and our work at Shell’s hydrogen fueling facility in Newport Beach which generates hydrogen with a steam methane reformer.

Click here to read about Fiedler Group in the publication.