California Hydrogen Business Council Releases Hydrogen Storage White Paper

October 27th, 2015 by Fiedler Group

Strategically released on National Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Day (October 8, 2015), California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) released “Power-to-Gas: The Case for Hydrogen” white paper.

A draft of the white paper was originally released at the “Hydrogen for Energy Storage and Grid Services” workshop at the CHBC Summer Summit in July.

The document outlines high potential energy storage technology options that intend to provide renewable zero-emission baseload power, fuel, and heat for the state of California using hydrogen and methane as energy carriers.

Written in part by the Hydrogen Energy Storage Group and CHBC member companies, the paper was penned to provide policy makers and interested parties with an overview and potential for hydrogen-based energy storage.

The paper’s key points include:

  • Economic and environmental benefits of power-to-gas (P2G)
  • Water consumption used during the electrolysis process is modest and does not contribute to overall demand
  • P2G is able to produce hydrogen at costs in line with DOE
  • P2G can provide the lowest cost solution for large scale, long term energy storage

There are a total of 35 Power P2G projects either planned, under construction or in operation in Europe – the vast majority of which (23) are located in Germany.

The paper can be downloaded free of charge at

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