California Fuel Cell Partnership Automakers Outline Locations for Expanded Hydrogen Network

June 23rd, 2015 by Fiedler Group

Continuing the expansion of California’s hydrogen fuel station network, automaker members of the California Fuel Cell Partnership penned an open letter outlining consensus on the locations of the next phase of the fueling network development.

The automaker advisory group members include American Honda, General Motors, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen.

Image courtesy California Fuel Cell Partnership

The automakers’ intent is to help guide station developers and government planners in their efforts to support demand of early market FCEV customers, just as they would a conventional vehicle.

What’s more, there is hope this dialogue will establish collaborative relationships needed to commercialize hydrogen fuel and FCEVs.

The locations are as follow:

Primary Priority
Beverly Hills/Westwood
Manhattan Beach
San Diego #2
San Diego #3
San Francisco
Thousand Oaks/Agoura Hills
Torrance/Palos Verdes

Secondary Priority
Culver City
Encino/Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys
Granada Hills
Irvine South
Los Banos
Palm Springs

The locations were selected to ensure customer travel-time to the nearest hydrogen station, sufficient network coverage for inter-market travel, increased network capacity, and creation of redundancy across the network.

Some of the recommended priority locations are replacements for earlier demonstration hydrogen stations that are not expected to be upgraded for full operational status.

To learn more about Fiedler Group’s expertise in the alternative fuel industry, please contact us today.