[BULLETIN] California Building Code Proposal, Clear Width Distance on Sidewalks

April 12th, 2016 by Fiedler Group

The State of California Buildings Standards Commission has proposed a change to the California Building Code (CBC) that concerns the clear width distance on public sidewalks.

The currently applicable Federal 2010 ADA Standards says the clear width of walking surfaces shall be 36 inches minimum.

The current CBC provision contains an unreasonable hardship documentation in order to allow a clear width of 36 inches on a sidewalk, reduced from 48 inches; however, an unreasonable hardship documentation is not required for other similar CBC provisions (e.g., 11B-403.5.1 allows 36 inches clear width in general for an accessible route).

Under proposed code 11B-403.5.1.1, the new clear width for sidewalks and walks would be 48 inches (1,219 mm) minimum, but where there are conditions making 48 inches infeasible, the proposal allows for a reduction of width to 36 inches for a maximum length of 24 inches (610 mm).

This proposal becomes frustrating when one considers that the requirement for any documentation is unnecessary for a 36 inch clear width, whether the State term “unreasonable hardship” or the Federal/State term “technically infeasible” is used.

The Federal codes do not require the walking surface to be technically infeasible for a 36 inch clear width, because 36 inches is the basic accessible route for all users.

For full details and the State Architect’s explanation, visit https://www.documents.dgs.ca.gov/dsa/access/2016-Pt2_Final-Express-Terms_04-04-16.pdf