How Fiedler Group Benefits Franchisees

July 30th, 2011 by Fiedler Group

At Fiedler Group, we provide an inclusive range of expertise to both elite members of the Fortune Global 500 as well as independent franchisees.

Thanks to our history of actual operation experience, facility design, and construction expertise of a variety of fuel facilities, we know all too well the challenges faced by the franchisee. That’s just one difference that sets us apart from our competitors.

Here’s one example that demonstrates exactly how.

Chevron Agoura Hills

Chevron Agoura Hills case study
One of our franchisee clients purchased an Agoura Hills site just off Highway 101 — Southern California’s very busy freeway.

The existing facility featured a small cashier booth and five fuel dispensers.

As the franchisee’s architectural and engineering firm, it was our job to help the franchisee add additional value to their facility.

We understand the magnitude of the investment, and we’re committed to assisting the owner offer new value to the public.

What was Fiedler Group’s role?
We took the remodel of the Agoura Hills facility head-on; here’s how Fiedler Group helped this franchisee:

Chevron Agoura Hills

  • Leveraged our expertise to obtain a variance for the site that allowed the franchisee to fit new offerings on the same parcel,
  • Tailored our redesign of the facility to get a lot of features into a small area,
  • Added an attractive new 2,000 square foot convenience store,
  • Removed the cashier booth and added an additional fuel dispenser,
  • Retained the existing highway signage (difficult to do now) — which certainly helps the franchisee’s brand visibility and marketing efforts, and
  • Most importantly, we did all of this while maintaining gasoline sales throughout most of the construction — a significant and tangible benefit to the franchisee.

Want to learn more about this project?
Are you interested in learning how Fiedler Group can help you protect your investment and add new value to your site?

As you’ve read, we’re committed to working diligently for independent franchisees and some of the world’s largest corporations alike.

So contact us today and get the conversation started!